Monday, January 7, 2008
Returning to Work
Characteristic of our topsy-turvy climate, today it is suppose to reach 70 degrees! It is Monday, the 7th of January! I guess I will peel off that extra layer.
A great accomplishment this past week was the completion of my website. My "Web Master" Ray did a splendid job and will continue helping me maintain a current site. It is exciting to see the work I have been doing chronicled and made official. Hopefully, the website and this blog will prove stimulating on the creative front and, perhaps, even prove beneficial on the marketing end of things. I hope to get more commissions for personalized stories that I write and keep moving forward with the other projects in children's books and young adult fiction.
This new phase in my life is exciting. I am inspired by the many friends, women mostly, who have preceded me into "retirement" only to re-define themselves and do great things. From the teacher/scholars I once worked with, I now know political activists, writers and publishers, gourmet chefs, and entrepreneurs in business, as well as valued members on Boards that rely on their expertise and wisdom.
Often, too, with all this creative energy and fulfilling work come added responsibilities with caring for elderly parents, on the one hand, and welcoming grandchildren into their lives, on the other! I am amazed at the accumulated productivity of all these women I know.
With that thought, I close... and get to work!
Full Biography
Evy and the Dance Recital
Lillie and the Wizard’s Wand
This Isa, This Izzy, This Isabel