Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve 2007

It has been a restful and quiet holiday season in our home. B&O are now truly spoiled! 24Hours a day every day for 10 days...They have come to expect Mama and Daddy to be home with them and available for their every whim ALL the time! Smudge, the Cat, too, is quite accustomed to our presence non-stop. There will definitely be a withdrawal period for all of us after tomorrow...

With two straight days of rain, Ray and I have taken advantage of indoors' time and created our individual blogs and a start on my website,, for my launch as professional writer. It has been fun creating the spaces and thinking about the possibilities. The subject of my current writing project, Henry David Thoreau, would be amazed at the technology of this age and, I think, intrigued by it. He loved mechanical devices and tinkering with innovation in design and productivity. Example, his contributions to the pencil factory his father John began. And, much more...

Vacation behind me, I will be returning to the manuscript with re-newed energy. The objective is to finish the novel by the end of January... set it aside... pull it out and edit... rest... edit some more and more and more. Then, it's off to prospective publishers once more and the one agent who has shown interest. The goal is a published book, another project (perhaps sequel?), and appearances to promote the sale of this book that has taken 18 years to be realized. (I haven't actually been working on it that long! Just a year and a half, actually. But, the drawings which inspired this story were drawn by my brother Clinton Arrowood that long ago... I can't believe it has been "that long ago...")

While I write, new ideas are spinning in my mind. More stories about B & O, my Springers, and a new thing for me, historical mystery fiction with my friend Henry as a central character. Could be fun, I think! More poetry to sharpen the creativity, more personalized stories to make some money (How novel is that?!), and more writing exercises to expand the repertoire are all on the list... my New Year's Resolutions list, that is. More time with good friends, long distance via the internet, and close-by via visits in our home, sharing good meals and conversation...

Happy New Year!


Full Biography

Growing up outside Baltimore City, Maryland, I dreamed of becoming a teacher and writer. After earning degrees in English, theatre, and education I began my teaching career, mainly working in literary studies and drama with middle school girls.

Today, having left the classroom, I now work full time on writing. My first opus is dedicated to my brother Clinton Arrowood, whose last drawings before his death have served as inspiration. The Adventures of Elliott Clinton Rat: A Journey on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers is a young adult historical fiction set in Concord at the time of Thoreau, Hawthorne, Alcott and Emerson. They share the scene with a sensitive rat named Elliott. Other books in the works are also set in Concord during the late 1820's. Henry David Thoreau is a boy, and with his friend Lizzie Hosmer he manages to unravel a mystery or two.

Ever the teacher, I find myself naturally making connections with vocabulary, historical context, and dramatic action. Like the director of a play, I like to create movement, interaction and conflict when placing my characters in the scene.

I also write personalized stories for children and stories about my Springer spaniel, Bernadette Star. Go to to view "A Spaniel's Wonder."

Books by Ellen Gaines:
Evy and the Dance Recital
Lillie and the Wizard’s Wand
This Isa, This Izzy, This Isabel